Kuan, Ping-Yin*;Peng, Ssu-Chin, 2021.07, 'Time Will Tell: Revisiting the Impact of College Expansion on Income and Occupational Prestige Mobility of Young Adults in Taiwan, ' Higher Education Quarterly, Vol.75, No.3, pp.468-486.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Chiu, Mei-Shiu*;Xiong, Weiyan;Kuan, Ping-Yin, 2021.06, 'Graduates’ career success predicted by mathematical and affective abilities, effective higher-education learning and economic contexts: a bioecological positivity to success model, ' Journal of Education and Work, Vol.34, No.3, pp.313-330.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Chen, I-Chien;Kuan, Ping-Yin, 2024.05, 'Who Benefits Most from Attending Graduate School in Taiwan: A Causal Trees Analysis, ' 2024 ISA-RC28 Spring Meeting, “Life Course and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective.”, The Center for Applied Social and Economic Research, NYU-Shanghai.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Kuan, Ping-Yin*, 2023.07, 'The Effect of Higher Education Expansion on Subjective Social Status in Taiwan: A Mechanism-Based APC Analysis, ' The 1st Annual Conference, Research on East Asian Demography and Inequality, The University of Tokyo.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Kuan, Ping-Yin*, 2023.06, 'The Effect of Parent-Child Discrepancies in Educational Expectation on Adolescents' Mental Health in Taiwan, ' XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Kuan, Ping-Yin, 2023.04, 'The Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Subjective Social Status in Taiwan: A Mechanism-Based APC Analysis, ' NCCU & LU Joint Research Workshop: The Impact of Regional Development and Social Policy on Higher Education, National Chengchi Univ., Taiwan & Lingnan University, Hong Kong.(*為通訊作者)
Chan, Chin-Han*;Kuan, Ping-Yin*, 2022.08, 'The Impact of Higher Expansion on Young Adults' Subjective Social Status in Taiwan, ' 117th Annual Meeting: Bureaucracies of Displacement, American Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Kuan, Ping-Yin*, 2022.08, 'The Relationship Between Family SES and Junior High Students' Patterns of Cram Schooling in Taiwan: Compensatory Advantage and Beyond, ' ISA RC28 Fall 2022 Meeting: Educational Stratification and Labor Market Inequality in Comparative Perspective, Research Committee 28 of the International Sociological Association.(*為通訊作者)
Peng, Ssu-Chin*;Kuan, Ping-Yin, 2022.06, 'The Relationship Between Family SES and Junior High Students' Patterns of Cram Schooling in Taiwan: Compensatory Advantage and Beyond, ' 2022 Annual Meeting of Life Course Transitions in East Asia, Korean Millennials: Coming of Age in the Era of Inequality, University of Pennsylvania, U.S..(*為通訊作者)
Chan, Chin-Han*;Kuan, Ping-Yin, 2022.04, 'What They Gain from College Is More than Money:The Impact of Higher Expansion on Young Adults’ Subjective Social Status in Taiwan, ' CIES 2022, the 66th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Comparative and International Education Society.(*為通訊作者)
Kuan, Ping-Yin*;Peng, Ssu-Chin, 2021.03, 'The Transition to Adulthood The Case of the Millennial Generation in Taiwan, ' The Transition to Adulthood The Case of the Millennial Generation in Taiwan, 國立政治大學社會學系、國立台灣大學社會學系、東京大學 Institute of Social Science.(*為通訊作者)