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Thesis Defense

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Date 2025-01-08

Step 4 - Thesis Oral Defense

3. Turnitin
Please go to this link to see the guide and get started. The secretary will set up an account and password for you to further proceed.
After uploading your thesis to the platform, please screenshot your score, print it out, and have your advisor sign it.
Your score should be no more than 15% on the plagiarism scale to be considered passing.
For further questions, this link should address most of your questions: &
4. Ethics course certification
5. A copy of the thesis draft
6. A copy of the transcript

  • All files need to be signed before the proposal defense takes place.
  • Wait until all files have been signed and gathered by the IMAS office. In the meantime, students should contact and confirm with all three professors (Examination members) the date and time of their Thesis Defense. Please kindly notify the IMAS office to send invitations to professors regarding your Thesis Defense. All emails will cc the applicant as well. After the defense, please collect all the signed forms and submit them to the office.
  • Please prepare a presentation of the final thesis and anticipate tough questions. Students should also send the final draft (preferably a print-out copy as well) to your committee and provide refreshments for the committee to show  appreciation for their presence and time.
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