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Call for Papers: Conference on Migration, Return, and Homecoming in the Post-Pandemic Milieu

MR_H oct 2023 call for papers

To address this ongoing (post) pandemic milieu of human migration, we invite scholars and researchers to submit and present their works and perspectives pertaining to the interdisciplinary and multifaceted topics of migration, labor and return in the post-pandemic time. With studies conducted on international student migration, migration of children, second generation return, lifestyle migration, and migration as a gendered process, we ask presenters to share their insights and opinions on various migration related topics such as return and homecoming. 

Possible themes/topics:

  •     Homecoming, Return, and Pandemics
  •     Return, Identity Construction, and Ambivalence
  •     Return, Reintegration, and Network
  •     Migration and Narrative
  •     Return and Generational Experiences
  •     Displacement, Dispossession, and Disruption
  •     Return, Remittance, and Migration Regimes
  •     Return, Gender, and Class
  •     Return and Border (Re)making

Individual paper & abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2023 (300-500 word abstract)

Notification of submission approval/confirmation: March 20, 2023

Conference Date: October 20-21, 2023 

Location: National Chengchi University, Taipei

Organizer: Prof. Tzu-kai Liu (Dept. of Ethnology, National Chengchi University)

For any further information please contact Austin Pope via

Post Author: Sulvia