IMAS Thesis Projects

論文名稱(中)/論文名稱Thesis Title作者(中)/作者Author指導教授(中)/指導教授Advisor畢業學年度出版年
中國國族神學: 中國與韋伯一百週年On China’s National Theology: Weber and China, 100 Years On天予華德Theo Poward袁易Yuan, I1082019
亞洲電子資訊資本主義: 亞太4.0經濟一體化的研究Asian Data Capitalism: An inquiry into economic integration in Asia Pacific 4.0包弗洛Paulsen, Florian莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-Chyi1082020
更自由或是更依賴探究:阿根廷與中國、印度的關係,對其於國際政治中的選擇自由之影響 (2003-2015)Towards Autonomy or A path to Dependence: Argentina relations with China and India (2003-2015)李浩楠Fernando Mauro Sambrani Cavalieri袁易Yuan, I1082020
岌岌可危的美日韓鐵三角安全合作關係-從威脅認知和美國介入角色之角度深入探討The Precarious US-Korea-Japan Tripartite Security Cooperation – From the angles of threat perception and US mediation李捧圭Lee, Bonggyu蔡中民Tsai, Chung-Min1082020
中國對台灣網路戰爭研究A Study on Chinese Cyber Warfare on Taiwan易安祖Yi, Andrew趙建民Chao, Chien-Min1082020
拉丁美洲選舉廢票之研究 (1916-2018)Explaining Invalid Voting in Latin America (1916-2018)林伊娜Carolina Lui Lam Postigo蘇彥斌Su, Yen-Pin1082020
我國南向政策在越南發展演進研究A Study on the Evolution of Taiwan’s Southbound Policy: The case in Vietnam邱柏涵Chiu, Po-Han王定士Wang, Ding-Shi1082020
中國在撒哈拉以南非洲的基礎建設投資(2001-2019)China's Infrastructure Investments in Sub-Saharan Africa (2001-2019)高德蘭Goffinet Hadelin蘇彥斌Su, Yen-Pin1082020
中國大陸「21世紀海上絲綢之路」戰略意涵:東協國家之視角Strategic Implications of China’s “21st Century Maritime Silk oad” Initiative: Perspectives of ASEAN Countries詹金耘Chan, Chin-Yun李明Lee, Ming1082020
捷中關係裡的中國銳實力探討Chinese Sharp Power in the Czech-Sino?elations福爾泰Frantisek Avrat蘇卓馨Su Cho-Hsin1082020
中國互聯網保險發展研究Internet Insurance Development in China劉宣妤Liu, Hsuan-Yu姜家雄Chiang, Chia-Hsiung1082020
消除反向凸顯: 在中國背景下各國對技術的認知Removing the everse Salient: State's Perception towards Internet Technology in the Context of China盧藝璱YILDIIM, SEDA陳永福Tan, Alexander C.1082020
美食外交: 以韓國為例Gastrodiplomacy: the Case Study of South Korea賴玫郁Aika?amayu魏玫娟Wei, Mei-Chuan1082019
社區營造與文化遺產的保留: 以淡水老街社區營造運動為例Cultural Heritage Conservation and Community Making: A Case of Tamsui Old Street芮婉涓Jui, Wan-Chuan湯京平Tang, Ching-Ping1082020
過去的夢想與現代的渴望: 林呈祿和泉哲筆下的現代性、傳統與國家Dreams of the Past and Aspirations for Modernity: Modernity, Tradition, and the State in the Writings of Lin Chenglu and Izumi Tetsu田舒立Julian Tash藍適齊Lan, Shi-Chi1092021
中日在東南亞之間進行基礎設施投資的“新大競爭”: 過渡國際秩序的英國學派分析A ‘New Great Game’ of Infrastructure Investment between China and Japan in Southeast Asia: An English School Analysis李嘉和Lee, Andrew姜家雄Chiang, Chia-Hsiung1092020
媒體與宗教的投入:台灣印尼穆斯林移工的手機講道The Media and Religious Engagement: Indonesian Muslim Migrant Worker’s Smartphone pengajian in Taiwan周坤輝Kholidah Zia邱炫元Chiou, Shuan-Yuan1092021
群眾路線 2.0: 數位治理與中國政權的正當性Mass Line 2.0: How China’s Mass Line Governance in Cyberspace Enhances Regime Legitimacy桂凱瑞Kyle Martin Griffin冷則剛Leng, Tse-Kang1092020
西班牙台灣的宗教與合法性Religion and Legitimacy in Spanish Formosa馬佐迪Mallol Sala, Jordi藍適齊Lan, Shi-Chi1092021
香港人在台灣:身分認同與生活經驗Hong Kongers in Taiwan: Identity and Living Experience崔文懿Tsui Man Yee Chloe魏玫娟Wei, Mei-Chuan1092021
在台身心障礙學生申請高等教育之入學過程Transition to Higher Education for Students with Disabilities in Taiwan許立文Jules Legouis姜以琳Chiang, Yi-Lin1092021
未來技術與未來競爭:人工智能在中美關係中的作用Future Technology & Future Competition: the Role of Artificial Intelligence Development in US-Sino Relations陳維倫Bradford, William Kristopher冷則剛Leng, Tse-Kang1092021
台灣的懷舊,歷史和身分: 以日本為例Nostalgia, History, and Identity in Taiwan: The Case of Japan陳樂水Jakub Mleczek李福鐘Li, Fu Chung1092021
台灣國小學童體育參與之研究.Taiwanese Primary School Students’ Sport Participation費艾琳Vostroknutova Irina吳得源Wu, Der-Yuan1092021
若非座上賓,則成俎上肉:論菲律賓中小企業在政商關係中的地位If You are not at the Table, You are on the Menu: An Examination of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Place in the Philippine State-Business Relations黃聯梯Depante, Lianne Angelico C.陳永福Tan, Alexander C.1092021
中國文化外交之研究─以墨西哥的孔子學院為例A Study on Chinese Cultural Diplomacy: The Case of Confucius Institutes in Mexico潘依真Melissa Moreno Parrao林永芳Lin, Yung-Fang1092021
現代化的尪公:歷史、象徵,及非人能動性Modernizing Ang Kong: History, Symbolism, and Non-Human Agency江薇Victoria Giang吳考甯Work, Courtney1102022
鋼管舞、女性特質與身體展演Recreational Pole Dancing Femininities and Bodily Performance: A Taiwanese Case Study米奧莉Olga Mikhailova關秉寅Kuan, Ping-Yin1102021
整合印太地區空中威懾之研究The Study of Indo-Pacific Integrated Air Deterrence何克力Hawkley, Cooper Miles甯方璽Ning, Fang-Shii1102022
核廢料處置與協同治理:台灣與南韓案例之比較研究Collaborative governance for siting nuclear waste repository: Taiwan and South Korea case comparative studies金韶顯So-Hyun KIM冷則剛Tse-Kang, LENG1102022
比較分析中國社會信用體系與監控資本主義對自由世界實踐之威脅China’s Social Credit System and Surveillance Capitalism: Comparing Their Threats toward the Practices of the Free World徐恩碩Shiflet, Michael魏玫娟Wei, Michelle1102022
後疫時代主題式 ETF 發展趨勢探討Discussion on the Development Trend of Thematic ETF in the Post-epidemic era徐逸潔Hsu, Yi-Chieh謝明華 Hsieh, Ming-Hua1102022
抗衡中國:2016 年後日本與台灣中國政策的比較研究Balancing China: A Comparative Study of China Policy between Japan and Taiwan since 2016高橋嘉也子Takahashi, Kayako游清鑫Yu, Ching-Hsin1102022
社群媒體成為政治論爭的煽動空間 : 用戶的網路煽動行為與語氣分析Turning Social Media into Trolls over Political Disputes : An Analysis of User Reactions and Tone in Online Trolling張家瑜Chang, Grace劉子愷Liu, Tzu-kai1102021
第三方支付滿意度影響因素研究Influencing Factors on the Third- Party Payment Satisfaction張惠詠Chang,Hui-Yung姜家雄Chiang,Alex1102021
台灣人間佛教的保環注意:以慈濟基金會為例 1990-2021Environment in Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism: The Case of the Tzu Chi Foundation 1990-2021賴海生Rapp Aparicio, Adrian吳考甯Work, Courtney1102022
荷治台灣的環境史:1623-1664An Environmental History of Dutch Formosa: 1623-1664羅楠Ronald van Velzen藍適齊 Lan, Shichi1102022
中國管理湄公河之方法及補助規範Norm Subsidiarity in China's Approach to Mekong River Management那荷Ayu Heryati Naqsabandiyah袁力強Yuan, Li-Chung1112022
試以二手模型市場討論日本的循環經濟及對台灣的啟示The Second-Hand Economy of Japan and Its Implication to Taiwan: The Case of Hobby Industries黃藹甯Huang, Ai-Ning湯京平Tang, Ching-Ping1112022
女校與男女合校:台灣高中女生對性別角色的看法分析Single-sex Schools and Coeducational Schools: An Analysis of Gender Role Perceptions among High School Girls in Taiwan蘇玫Sfriso, Francesca姜以琳Chiang, Yi-Lin1102022
地方創生台日比較―移居者遷移要因分析ーComparison of the Regional Revitalization Policy in Japan and Taiwan - Research of the Impact of Migration Strategy on the Immigrant's Motivation-比嘉彩央里Higa, Saori陳敦源Chen, Don-Yun1102022
泰國與台灣雙邊關係研究 (1992-2022) - 經濟連結和人與人互動A Study of Thailand and Taiwan Bilateral Relations (1992-2022) - Economic and People-to-People Connectivity齊珊恩Noppasorn Keaworrasarn劉復國Liu, Fu-Kuo1102022
影響汽車貸款核准的決定因素Determinants of Auto Loan Approval from Finance House- Evidence in Taiwan陳苔珍Chen, Tai-Chen黃智聰Huang, Jr-Tsung1102022
台灣後備部隊之重建Reconstructing Taiwan’s Armed Forces Reserve林武堅Noah Cline甯方璽Ning, Fang-Shii1102021
比較分析中國社會信用體系與監控資本主義對自由世界實踐之威脅China’s Social Credit System and Surveillance Capitalism: Comparing Their Threats toward the Practices of the Free World徐恩碩Shiflet, Michael魏玫娟Wei, Michelle1102022
抗衡中國:2016 年後日本與台灣中國政策的比較研究Balancing China: A Comparative Study of China Policy between Japan and Taiwan since 2016高橋嘉也子Takahashi, Kayako游清鑫Yu, Ching-Hsin1102022
荷治台灣的環境史:1623-1664An Environmental History of Dutch Formosa: 1623-1664羅楠Ronald van Velzen藍適齊Lan, Shichi1102022
台灣人間佛教的保環注意:以慈濟基金會為例 1990-2021Environment in Taiwanese Humanistic Buddhism: The Case of the Tzu Chi Foundation 1990-2021賴海生Rapp Aparicio, Adrian吳考甯Work, Courtney1102022
後疫時代主題式 ETF 發展趨勢探討Discussion on the Development Trend of Thematic ETF in the Post-epidemic era徐逸潔Hsu, Yi-Chieh謝明華Hsieh, Ming-Hua1102022
現代化的尪公:歷史、象徵,及非人能動性Modernizing Ang Kong: History, Symbolism, and Non-Human Agency江薇Victoria Giang吳考甯Work, Courtney1102022
整合印太地區空中威懾之研究The Study of Indo-Pacific Integrated Air Deterrence何克力Hawkley, Cooper Miles甯方璽Ning, Fang-Shii1102022
中國管理湄公河之方法及補助規範Norm Subsidiarity in China's Approach to Mekong River Management那荷Ayu Heryati Naqsabandiyah袁力強James Yuan1112022
堅守美國理想:美台關係在全球民主中所扮演之角色Upholding American Ideals: The Role of US-Taiwan Relations in Global Democracy亞歷山大Alexander Shelton Hillier袁力強James Yuan1112022
試以二手模型市場討論日本的循環經濟及對台灣的啟示The Second-Hand Economy of Japan and Its Implication to Taiwan: The Case of Hobby Industries黃藹甯Huang, Ai-Ning湯京平Tang, Ching-Ping1112022
印度尼西亞民主危機的因素和後果The Factors and Consequences of the Democratic Crisis in Indonesia王維均Richard Frebort蔡中民Tsai, Chung-Min1112023
韓國流行音樂在美國: 防彈少年團與混和陽剛味作為進入主流媒體的捷徑K-Pop in the United States: BTS and Hybrid Masculinity as a Pathway into Mainstream Media雪芷Jasmine Elif Winter劉曉鵬Philip Hsiao-Pong Liu1112023
台灣的泰國移工招募系統 問題與解決方法The recruiting systems of Thai labor to work in Taiwan: Problems and Solutions黃嘉希Jirathip Ruangsuksut莊奕琦Chuang, Yih-chyi1112023
家外之家:後疫情時代美籍台裔回遷A Homeland Away from Home: Ethnic Return Migration of Taiwanese Americans in the Post-Covid Era黃嘉儀Wong, Tiffany Jia Yi樂南Nachman, Lev1112023
21 世紀初尼加拉瓜的移民:2001-2020Migration in Nicaragua in the early 21st century: 2001-2020劉大偉David Benjamin Lara Gonzalez周惠民Chou, Whei-Ming1112023
在美中競爭下印尼在印太地區的「自由和積極」外交政策研究Indonesia's Free and Active Foreign Policy under US-China Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific Region蘇謐蜜Sulvia劉復國Liu, Fu-Kuo1112023
兵法或冰法: 美國北極氣候安全戰略之再檢視The Art of Frost: Redefining American Security Strategy and Climate Security in the Arctic伍逸欣Woods, Faith Yvette劉復國Liu, Fu-Kuo1112023
安倍政府性別政策之探討: 新自由主義與保守主義論述之影響Gender Policies under Abe Administration: The Influences of Neoliberalism and Conservatism豬俁美咲Misaki Inomata魏玫娟Wei, Mei-Chuan1122023
減碳還是漂綠?以迪士尼為例Earning Carbon Credits for Greenwashing? A case Study on Disney何適祖Derzou Raymond Andre Roques湯京平Tang, Ching-Ping1122023
不僅僅是代筆者:王滬寧作為新型中共意識形態理論家More Than Just a Ghostwriter: Wang Huning as a New Style Advisor Defending CCP Ideology正浩Burge, Charles曾偉峯Tzeng Wei-Feng1122023
台灣外交政策動力的演變The Evolving Impetus for Taiwan's Foreign Policy馮石濤Isaac Finestone冷則剛Leng Tse-Kang1122024
非正式空間中的城市共生動態過程:寶藏巖案例The Dynamics of Urban Symbiosis Processes Within Informal Spaces: The Case of Treasure Hill何子麒Larkin, Tobias Ho陳虹穎Chen, Hung-Ying1122024
從地緣政治觀點檢視蒙古的第三鄰國政策Mongolia’s Third Neighbor Policy: A Geopolitical Perspective郭思佳Zuzanna Zofia Jakóbowska袁力強Li-Chiang Yuan1122024
臺灣媒體對轉型正義報導之比較研究— 以《中國時報》及《自由時報》為例Narrating Justice: A Comparative Study on Framing of Transitional Justice in Taiwan Newspapers (China Times and Liberty Times as examples)周穎怡Chow, Wing-Yi魏玫娟Wei, Mei-Chuan1122024