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Tuition Fee

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Date 2024-11-25

Tuition Fee

The tuition costs of the International Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific Studies (IMAS) offer prospective students the chance to study a high-quality international program in a very affordable manner.

Academic Cost

Tuition fees are paid per semester and consist of a registration fee that must be paid each semester a student enrolls for school. Additionally, graduate students pay credit fees based on the number of courses/credits taken each semester. The following chart is an example of a recommended study plan and its associated costs by semester and year. Local and international students are subject to the same academic costs.

Fees/Expenses Semester Year
Registration Fee NT$12,910 NT$25,820
Credit Fees NT$49,500 NT$99,000
Estimated Tuition Total NT$62,410 NT$124,820

Note: Prices are in New Taiwan Dollars. Tuition, fees, and expenses are subject to change and annual adjustment. Total Credit Fees are calculated for 3 courses (9 credits) per semester.

Other Costs

In addition to the academic costs, the following table shows general living expenses students will incur while studying at National Chengchi University. These are estimates designed to help you plan your studies in Taiwan.

Fees/Expenses Semester Year
Insurance NT$121 NT$242
Information Appliance Fee NT$1,000 NT$2,000
National Health Insurance NT$4,494 NT$8,988
Living Expenses NT$60,000 NT$120,000
On-campus Housing NT$22,150 NT$44,300
Off-campus Housing NT$54,000 NT$108,000
Sub-total on-campus NT$87,765 NT$175,530
Sub-total off-campus NT$119,615 NT$239,230
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